Do you want to increase the value of your properties by between 14% and 38%* by adding energy saving systems rather than traditional forms of heating and ventilation? Do purchasers prefer to be surrounded by clean, sustainable fresh air? Developers such as Octagon, Linden and Charles Church certainly think so and we hope you too would agree.

As you are probably aware, in the past, ordinary methods of ventilation would rely solely on trickle-vents above windows for incoming air, which are pretty ugly and draughty, so most purchasers will close them up in the first cold spell. This would be in addition to individual extractors working upon demand, in isolation, in bathrooms and WC's. This means that, for the vast majority of time, indoor air would be stale and unhealthy and with the closing of trickle-vents, the fabric of the building would be more prone to mildew and damp build-up, causing your reputation of building quality homes to be questioned.
TESTIMONIAL 2012 - Chris Ackley, Harepath
"We are very happy with the results of installing the Combi system. it has offered a very economical running cost and has assisted us in getting to Code 4 for the social rented/intermediate units without the need for further capital expense. We did look at other systems, but the technical support was outstanding, the product performed at a higher level and there was an installation service provided, so we had a one stop-shop. Really importantly, the control system offered a lock-out option, which was key for the social rented units within the scheme."
Why not add some practical sparkle to your specification? Here are some of the benefits your company could profit from, by investing in our appliances for your projects:
whole house ventilation - extract and supply, no need for trickle-vents or extractor fans
surpass Part F of the current Building Regulations
up to 95% heat recovery, reducing your client‘s fuel bills
clean filtered air, free from pollen - great for your client‘s with Asthma or allergies
efficient heating and comfort cooling of air with heat pump ventilation
efficient heating of a typical family of four‘s hot water requirements
provision of all the home‘s heating requirements if you specify good insulation and airtightness, with just a wood burning
stove, and some heated towel radiators in bathrooms
- Passivhaus certification which is your guarantee of quality.
If our appliances are simple to specify, think how they would add considerable appeal to your homes, whether an urban apartment or a rural mansion. They provide a relatively low-cost route to a superior living environment and directly result in energy savings, making your developments more sustainable and attractive to the critical demand for low carbon emissions. They can also contribute towards any "renewables" requirements your site may have. Some of our systems are also Passivhaus Approved and have been muliti-award winning.
We appreciate that it may be difficult to make an informed decision about a system that you have perhaps only seen on our website or in our brochure. If this is the case, we will be pleased to spend time going through:
- how our systems work
- their suitability for your house type
- the benefits to your purchasers
- the benefits to you
- the design considerations in having such a system.
Why not contact us to arrange a visit to our show rooms here in Moreton in Marsh, or at the National Selfbuild & Renovation Centre in Swindon J16 off the M4 where all our products are on show. Or we can meet you on site at one of your current projects? Alternatively, send us a set of floorplans of all your house-types and we can complete a quote.
TESTIMONIAL 2005 - B Tomlinson, director, Living Villages Ltd
"I am writing to say how pleased we are with the heat recovery systems fitted... The systems in the new houses are often commented on without potential customers realising that they exist. I believe that we have sold a number of houses to people who are concerned with the internal air quality because of health problems and others to people who just comment that the houses 'feel healthy'. At present few potential purchasers take into account the reduced heating fuel consumption afforded by the heat recovery unit but I believe that this will become a sales feature in the coming years as fuel prices increase. In my own house we have noticed a considerable reduction in heating oil use; I estimate a 40% reduction over the Winter months and a much improved interior climate which has considerably helped my asthmatic son. I would also like to comment on the efficiency and neatness of the work done by your installation team...the house was left clean and as undisturbed as possible..."
* Department of Energy And Climate